Southerners who saw an advantage to backing the Reconstruction of the South represented the majority of Southern Republicans. Much like the northerners who were against the Civil War (Copperheads), these southerners earned a derisive nickname. They were called "Scalawags".
The Wade-Davis Bill required that a majority of prewar southern voters swear loyalty to the Union.
Abraham Lincoln the Republican Party along with 55 journalists.
C. To allow Southern states back in the Union if ten percent of the voters swore to be loyal L Southern states could set up new governments if ten percent of their voters made certain promises.
Poll taxes and literacy tests
it registered at least 2 million new voters
It has a strong majority of elected democrats.
The Wade-Davis Bill required that a majority of prewar southern voters swear loyalty to the Union.
There are 183,301 registered Republican voters in Delaware.
The Republicans were willing to allow slavery to exist in the southern states if its expansion was stopped
A majority of 10 voters is at least 6.
The majority of African American voters support the Democratic Party over the Republican Party. The modern Democratic Party was founded in 1828.
majority vote passes laws and majority voters decide elections
They do if they are Republican.
Voters that don't support either the democratic or republican parties are known as independent voters. These voters can be libertarian, green party, or just about anything they like.
The Ku Klux Klan