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Q: The map projection that is best for calculating directions is the?
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What map projection is best for calculating directions?

Map Nation claims to have the best directions. There are many other companies out there as well, including google maps, mapquest, and a variety of others.

Which map projection accurately shows directions and shape but distorts distance and size?


What kind of map is a rectangular representation of earth that shows accurate directions but distorts and distances?

mercator projection

What is the best map projection to use?

Robinson Projection because it has minor distortions, the sizes and shapes near the eastern and western edges of the map are accurate, and outlines of the continents appear much as they do on the globe.

What is a Winkle Tribal map projection?

A Winkle Tribal map projection is a modified azimuthal map projection. This is one of three projection.

What kind of map is a rectangular representation of earth that shows accurate directions but distorts size and distances?

mercator projection

What kind of map is rectangular representation of Earth that shows accurate directions but distorts sizes and distances?

mercator projection

What kind of a map is a rectangular representation of earth that shows accurate directions but distorts sizes and distances?

mercator projection

Was designed by Flemish cartographer Gerardus Mercator in 1569 to show compass directions as straight lines in all directions from all points on the map?

Global Projection

What is the difference between map and map projection?

a map projection is a map that has lots of different angles.

What the difference between a map and a map projection?

a map projection is a map that has lots of different angles.

Why is te mercator projection map still in use today?

The Mercator projection map is still in use today because it preserves straight lines, making it useful for navigation and exploration purposes. Its distortion of size towards the poles is less of a concern for these uses. Additionally, it has become a standard map projection for many educational and reference purposes, contributing to its continued use.