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Q: The most important city in the new England colonies?
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Did the new England colonies have any major seaports?

The New England colonies had several important seaports, of which the most important was Boston.

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What beliefs did the kings of England and the kings of France share?

they were the most important trade colonies in America and they traded with other colonies

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What is the most important coal and iron mining city in England?

bringingham (:<3

The most important reason for the difference between the New England and chesapeake colonies was based on?

chesapeake had higher mortality rate

What was the most important city in the English Colonies?

My answer is Philadelphia because it is economic, cultural and intellectual. It grew more and more until it became the most important colony.

What are some achievements of the new England colonies?

The greatest achievements during the 1700s were the preparation and beginning battles for independence from Britain. Nowhere in the colonies was the patriotism and the refusal to be subjugated stronger than in the New England colonies. The most important events prior to the war took place in New England. The Boston Tea Party and the Boston Massacre, both took place in the New England colonies. The important beginning battles of the American Revolutionary War in Lexington and Concord also took place in the New England colonies.

Where were most of France England colonies?


How was most of the new England colonies were founded for religious reasons?

jamestown helped new england found the religious colonies.

What religion is most common in british colonies?

The most common religion in the New England colonies were christianity.