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English settlements pushed Native Americans off their lands

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Q: The pequot war and king phillip's war broke out because?
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Who was against the Americans in the American Revolution?

Colonisit revolted because the British were treating them unfairly. Colonist didnt want to have a war and tried not to by sending treaties to the British such as the Olive Branch Treaty but war had already broke out.

What is the geography and early settlement in Rome like?

Romans valued loyalty and justice. People who broke the law would be severely punished, just as the king was punished

Summarize the divine right and social contract theories?

The theory of Divine Right meant that the King ruled because God placed him on the throne. No one could challenge the king's right to rule. The people had to obey the king because that is what God wanted. That theory came from the Bible. The Apostle Paul told the Church at Rome to be subject to the governing authorities because they were ordained by God. The social contract theory meant that a historical contract existed between the people and the king. The king had his responsibility and the people had their responsibilities. If the king did not fulfill his responsibilities, the people could replace him. This contract was based on a historical agreement when the kingship was established. Just because the king had not honored it over the years did not make it less valid. The people retained their right to dispose the king.

What was cotton nickname because it made the most money of the settlers?

the answer is the "cotton is king"

Why did king george send 10000 troops to the colonies?

He sent 10,000 troops to the colonies to try to prevent colonists from moving beyond the Appalachian Mountains (into the Ohio River Valley). He didn't want them moving into the Natives territory because they might start another war. The English were already broke from the French and Indian War (7 Years War).

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The pequot war and king Phillips war broke out because?

English settlements pushed native Americans off their lands

Which was a major cause of the Pequot war and king Phillips war?

The Indians felt threatened by the Puritans' religious conversions and they were also decimated by disease.

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What English ruler broke with the Cotholic church because he wanted to divorce his wife?

King Henry VIII broke with the Catholic Church because he wanted to put away his wife, Catherine of Aragon.

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Larry King Live - 1985 Mackenzie Phillips was released on: USA: 3 October 2009

How did King Tutankhamun die from epilepsy?

King tut died because he had epilepsy. The epilepsy made him have seizures and while having one he fell on his leg and broke it and back then if you broke your leg well good luck because there was not any good things to save him. After all they didn't have casts.

Did King Henry break from the Roman Catholic Church because of a woman?

Yes, King Henry VIII broke from the church because he wanted to divorce Catherine of Aragon and marry Anne Boleyn.

What was a major war in Rhode Island?

king Phillips war

What was another name for King Phillips war in Massachusetts?

Metacom was the name of the chief who commanded the war. Metacom was actually an indian. They named the war King Phillip's war because that was his name in translation

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If you broke your leg would YOU be in pain?

Why did Scotland not have a king in 1306?

Because the previous King, Alexander I died in a riding accident, broke his neck. A new King hadn't been found yet. Alexander I had died without an heir.

Who broke with the Catholic Church?

King Henry VIII Henry the VIII, because the Pope wouldn't annul his first marriage.