To help people.
His primary goal was to keep the United States from splitting apart - in other words, to keep the union together.
to capture some island and ignore others.
Homogeneity (the degree to which something is homogenous) does not have a goal. The question is like asking "what is the goal of height" or "what is the goal of color." For something to be homogenous means that there are no internal distinctions between different parts.
Keep South from Seceding
An objective is a goal to be achieved. A strategy is a method of achieving this goal.
No, it's not true. Terrorism is a strategy, not a goal.
succeeds in its goal.
Father Hidalgo's primary goal was for Mexico to be independent from Spain.
The primary goal of the RRI (Riverside Rehabilitation Institute) is to help their clients into progressing towards independence as their primary goal. This is achieved by supplying specialized care.
The goal of a marketing strategy is to provide increases sales for a business.
My primary goal is to pass this class.
Strategy is a course of action that will be taken to achieve a specific goal or result. Strategy can be used for many different things.
The goal of the Career Pathways strategy is to upgrade the skills of unemployed or working adults. They give the opportunity to people to achieve their career goals.
The primary goal of wellness is the ability to achieve the highest possible quality of life.
An intended strategy is planned and deliberate. It is the set of intentional acts that is contemplated and planned to accomplish a goal. An intended strategy is also sometimes called a deliberate strategy.
An objtive is a goal to achieved, A strategy is a method of achieving this goal