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William Bradford

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Q: The second governor elected by the Plymouth colony was?
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Who was the second governor of Plymouth?

Plymouth Colony's second governor was William Bradford (1590-1657), replacing the deceased John Carver. = =

Who was the governor of Plymouth Colony?

The first governor was John Carver. After John Carver die though, William Bradford took over and was the second governor of the Plymouth colony.

What book did the second governor of Plymouth write?

The second governor of Plymouth was William Bradford, and he wrote the book "Of Plymouth Plantation." This book provides an account of the Pilgrims' journey to the New World and their experiences in establishing the Plymouth colony.

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John White was appointed the governor of the second Raanoke Colony =)

Who was the leader of the pilgrims?

Myles Standish was an English military officer hired by the Pilgrims as military adviser for Plymouth Colony. John Carver was chosen as the colony's first governor.

Who founded the second English Colony at Plymoth?

The second Permanent English colony in the plymouth colony was founded by a group of people called Pilgrims or Separatists.

Who wrote the story of Plymouth and was elected its second govener?

William Bradford

Where did the second attempt to establish an England colony?

If you count Roanoke as the first colony, then, it would be Jamestown. If you count Jamestown as the first, then it would be Plymouth.

Who wrote the story plymounth and was elected its second governor?

William Bradford

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Captain John Mason the Second Governor of Newfoundland's Cupers Cove Colony.

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Ronald Reagan was elected to his second term as California Governor in 1970.

Who was the second governor of Plymouth what book did he write?

William Bradford William Bradford; He was the primary architecht and second signer for the Mayflower Compact.