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Q: The working class of Latin American society was called?
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What were the working class members of Latin American society called?


What was the working class of Latin American society?


What was the working class of Latin Americans society called?


What was the working class of Latin America society called?

The working class of Latin America society is often referred to as the "proletariat." This term encompasses individuals who work in manual labor jobs and typically have lower income levels.

What is the upper class of Latin American society called?

The upper class of Latin American society is often referred to as the elite or the wealthy elite. They typically hold significant economic and social power and often come from generations of privilege.

Who were the mestizos the working condition class member of latin America society.?

Mestizos were individuals of mixed European and indigenous ancestry in Latin America. They were part of the working class and often faced discrimination and limited opportunities due to their mixed heritage. Despite this, many mestizos played important roles in various aspects of Latin American society and culture.

What the lowest class of Latin American society?


To improve relations between the US and latin America president Kennedy proposed a serious of cooperative aid projects with latin American governments called?

Great Society

Latin American society is marked by?

a very unequal distribution of wealth.

What was the lowest class of Latin American society?

The lowest class of Latin American society historically was made up of indigenous populations and slaves brought over from Africa. They often faced extreme poverty, discrimination, and marginalization from the rest of society.

What did Latin America do as a result of the prosperity that came from increased exports?

Witnessed a growth in the middle sectors of Latin American society

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