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While doing some research for this answer I really could not find 3 real separate reasons why D. L. Moody was referred to as "crazy Moody". However I did find one overwhelming reason! Mr. Moody was referred to as "crazy" in Chicago because of his unabashed, unintimidated, and aggressive manner of speaking with people about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It did not seem to matter to Moody if the person was a close personal friend or a complete and utter stranger, he was going to find out if that person had made a personal commitment to Jesus. At this time in American personal questions about ones beliefs were considered rude in polite society, however this being said, Mr. Moody seemed to attract a great deal of friends and admirers because of his unashamed dedication to bringing others to a saving knowledge of the Biblical Jesus. Another possible reason might be D.L.'s appearance He purposefully kept a long full beard and a somewhat full middle. In any case from what I can find the "crazy" label was never used in a truly derogatory manner. While his detractors may have felt that his actions where out of the mainstream, no one ever doubted his mental facility, and it seems that the label was most likely one of respect or admiration for the sheer force of his character and personality. Come visit Nightforges Unique Christian gift store on CafePress!


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Q: Three reasons why dl moody was crazy moody?
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Why DL was called crazy moody?

D.L. Moody earned himself the name "Crazy Moody". As a boy, D.L. was very loud; he didn't care what anyone thought of him. His family thought he was crazy when he set off to Boston with only five dollars in his pocket. The church in Boston didn't like it when he stood up and told them his testimony and compared it to selling shoes. D.L. was good at selling shoes but was over enthusiastic. The church found him crazy because they wanted things to stay the way they were and they didn't want D.L. to change things. D.L. chose to preach the Gospel to slum kids on a Sunday afternoon. D.L. was more dedicated to the slum kids than his job. People couldn't understand this and thought he was crazy. He started holding meeting in a church building, but he also slept in this building. He hung up clothes on nails and slept on meetings' benches. Emma, his wife, thought this scheme was crazy! Later on in his life, D.L. travelled to the United Kingdom, the churches there did not like D.L.'s style of preaching. They thought him too different. Ira Sankey, D.L.'s right-hand man and musician, told D.L. the people of England thought he was crazy. They didn't want him there. But D.L. fought for it, and got all the ministers of London to sign a paper saying he could preach. D.L. was later thought of as crazy, because he never stopped for health issues or worries from family. He later beat the Chicago fair, by preaching at the fair every Sunday morning. His sermons became more popular than the other shows at the fair. D.L. made it known that his Sunday morning services were not shows, they were preaching services. People probably found him crazy that he would want to preach in a tent that stank of animals. Nothing or nobody could stop D.L. Moody. After beating the fair, he continued on and was drafted to head up the YMCA's troop evangelism. He also preached to many more states. On the afternoon of December 22, 1899, Crazy Moody died. The world had seen what God could do with one man wholly committed to him.

What would another civil war look like?

After the primaries this year, 2012.California and all other western states up to the ND SD NE KS OK TX lines create the border for the California republic. then NE IA KY WV MD and DL are another border but for the Northern Union. All the states below are going to be with the southern confederacy. First off no one would one Obama to be president any more and the economic crisis will have gotten worse. right now Romney has northern states and Gingrich might have the southern states. Santorum will take the western frontier. They will then become president of their areas. As we fight the world will also fall apart and countries will change with out our knowing. We will fight our selves casualties will be about 60 million or more because major cities will be targeted by LRMs and SRMs.

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What year did DL Moody die?

22 December 1899

Why DL was called crazy moody?

D.L. Moody earned himself the name "Crazy Moody". As a boy, D.L. was very loud; he didn't care what anyone thought of him. His family thought he was crazy when he set off to Boston with only five dollars in his pocket. The church in Boston didn't like it when he stood up and told them his testimony and compared it to selling shoes. D.L. was good at selling shoes but was over enthusiastic. The church found him crazy because they wanted things to stay the way they were and they didn't want D.L. to change things. D.L. chose to preach the Gospel to slum kids on a Sunday afternoon. D.L. was more dedicated to the slum kids than his job. People couldn't understand this and thought he was crazy. He started holding meeting in a church building, but he also slept in this building. He hung up clothes on nails and slept on meetings' benches. Emma, his wife, thought this scheme was crazy! Later on in his life, D.L. travelled to the United Kingdom, the churches there did not like D.L.'s style of preaching. They thought him too different. Ira Sankey, D.L.'s right-hand man and musician, told D.L. the people of England thought he was crazy. They didn't want him there. But D.L. fought for it, and got all the ministers of London to sign a paper saying he could preach. D.L. was later thought of as crazy, because he never stopped for health issues or worries from family. He later beat the Chicago fair, by preaching at the fair every Sunday morning. His sermons became more popular than the other shows at the fair. D.L. made it known that his Sunday morning services were not shows, they were preaching services. People probably found him crazy that he would want to preach in a tent that stank of animals. Nothing or nobody could stop D.L. Moody. After beating the fair, he continued on and was drafted to head up the YMCA's troop evangelism. He also preached to many more states. On the afternoon of December 22, 1899, Crazy Moody died. The world had seen what God could do with one man wholly committed to him.

Why is DL Moody a hero?

Moody was a Christian preacher. He spoke in America when America was being anti-black people. He hoped to change this and spoke to millions. Moody helped change America for the better. PS written by an Australian Christian

When did DL Moody die?

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Why was DL Moody called crazy moody?

Dwight L. Moody, the 19th-century American evangelist, was sometimes referred to as "Crazy Moody" due to his unconventional and enthusiastic approach to preaching and evangelism. His energetic and passionate style of delivery, combined with his willingness to take risks and challenge traditional religious norms, earned him this nickname among some critics. Despite the nickname, Moody's methods were highly effective in reaching large audiences and bringing about spiritual transformations in many individuals.

How many cL are in a dL?

There are 10 cL in a dL.

Why would a person be given three pints of blood?

to keep the haemoglobin level at 12-14gm/dl.

What is a dl in cups?

A 'dl' or 'dL' (deciliter) is a measure of volume equal to about 0.423 cups.

What is dl is roman numbers?

It is: dl or DL both represent 550 in Roman numerals

What is the symbol for the deciliter?

O símbolo do decilitro é dL. d representa deci L representa litro, a unidade de volume. Portanto, 1 dL = 0,1 L ou 100 mililitros (mL).

What is dl in liters?

A decilitre (dl) is 0.1litres

How many dl is 100ml?

1 dl