Striking industrial workers-novanet
The federal government responded to the Pullman Strike by using federal troops to control the striking workers. Later, Labor Day was designated as an official holiday in an effort to conciliate the organized labor movement.
it was to protect the rights of the workers in factories so they have the right to protest, get compensated if they get injured working, etc. To speak with one voice.
the state government sent troops to end it
The employers did not like strikes. They would say that employees on strike were being unfair and did not understand the economic conditions of what they were doing.
Striking industrial workers-novanet
striking industrial workers
You can never be sure what it will achieve. But scabs were only making the chance of a strike working more ineffective =)
Yes, it is the responsibility of the workers to protect their clients from other clients who are violent.
to protect American workers
To protect American workers.
haymarket riot
Striking workers received benefits and support.