Interactions at first were peaceful between the colonists and the Native Americans. The Native Americans helped the colonists adjust to life in the Americas and taught them what kind of crops to plant.
john D Rockefeller
What name was given to Franklin D. Roosevelt's approach to foreign relations?
Garvey felt that equality was impossible in the United States, while the NAACP fought for equality - Apex
They believed King's approach to demanding civil rights was too cautious and the pace of change too slow.
The Pilgrim's relationship with the Native Americans was fairly good. The Native Americans were honestly scared of the Pilgrims at first because they saw these men approach with these classy clothes and intimidating boats and were petrified. As time went on the Native Americans helped the Pilgrims survive their first winter. You could call them allies at that point.
An approach = dealing with something Method = a particular way of doing something:
You vary just one variable at a time, and see what happens.
The word that best describes a particular and successful approach for collecting outstanding invoices is debt collection.
Specialization in business requires a unique approach or product to address an unmet need in the marketplace. Typically businesses migrate to being a generalist and losing focus on a particular niche or speciality. To be an expert or to satisfy a particular demand a specialized business will focus on an aspect of that demand.
Honestly, you should not approach her while she is in a relationship. However, you can become acquaintances and be at the same activities. Should she become free, then you could approach her. It is better to honor the relationship she is in currently--you would want someone to do the same, right?
European Americans
Typically, the verb approach would be used with such adverbs as rapidly, or slowly, to describe the speed of the approach; one can also approach cautiously or carelessly, openly or sneakily, nervously or confidently, and so forth.
Avenue of Approach
A typically Modernist approach to narration and point of view is called first person literature. First person has the title character telling a story.
You should approach the customer like you already have a relationship with them. You can then make them feel more comfortable with purchasing your product.
A route for a force of a particular size to reach an objective or key terrain.