Scalping, done by a very few native American tribes, was a tactic learned from the spanish. The few who took the scalps, took them as a symbol of their bravery in battle.
The Union Army took men over the age of 18 during the Civil War
John Smith took over Jamestown and enforced the Marshall Law, which was a no work, no food policy. He made all the men work for a living and to survive.
they coulded do anything as men do thing
George Washington took about 2400 men over the Delaware River.
We call them oligarchs from the Greek words oligos = few, arkhein = to rule: Rule by the few.
In a Robert Burns poem
Hawaii was annexed unfairly. Basically there were powerful men that wanted it and they took it.
Of Mice and Men is a historical fiction novella, as it took place in the 1930's during the great depression
The men who were supposed to represent the common people of Rome were the tribunes.
Because they beat everybody else and took their land and men.
The men landing on the Moon.
California edit: Salinas, California and the question was WHEN not where it took place in the 1920's EDIT: Nope. Took place in early 1930s during the Great Depression.
The men who were in the senate and who's duty was to protect the interests of the plebeians were the tribunes. However they were not appointed to the senate, they were elected.
Several men had good cliams to the throne of England.
The wives or women.