False, it happened two years after that expedition that Yellowstone National Park was created.
Charles Washburn went by Charlie Star Trek, and Charlie.
Although the saying has been used inappropriately (or humorously) to its true origin, the following should shed some light on its beginnings.Tim Moore: The Gold dust TwinsAs a youth, Tim Moore performed on the sidewalks of his hometown, Rock Island, Illinois. He often hung around the line of ticket buyers at Douglas Park, where his troupe of street urchins would whistle "Turkey in the Straw" while Tim cut a neat buck and wing.According to the "Rock Island Argus" newspaper, a passing vaudevillian spotted Tim and another featured performer of the Rock Island streets, Romeo Washburn, and made them a part of an act known as "Cora Mitchell and Her Gold Dust Twins." After a long tour at a salary of $12 per week, Tim toured the British music halls for 18 months.The popularity of "The Gold Dust Twins" was such that it inspired the creation of a line of soap powders by the Lever Brothers company. Items featuring the image of the Gold Dust Twins are now sought after by collectors of black memorabilia.Source: geocities
Previous (Incorrect) answer: FALSE!!This answer is not "FALSE". The Washburn expedition is what marked the first federally controlled national park, which was established from said expedition. The Yellowstone National Park was created because of this in 1916 and the area it is home to was located in the area this expedition occured; you can look up Yellowstone National Park history for assurance if there is any question against this.The CORRECT Answer is : TRUE
The geyser was discovered by the Washburn Expedition, led by gen. Henry Washburn.
The 1870 Washburn Expedition
kILLED 10,000 MEN.
Washburn Guitar Company began manufacturing guitars and other various string "plucking" instruments, in the year 1883, based out of Chicago, Illinois.
Proved that the stories told by the trappers were indeed factual
The address of the Washburn Memorial Library is: 1290 Main Street, Washburn, 04786 0571
The address of the Washburn Public Library is: 705 Main Ave, Washburn, 58577 0637
The address of the Washburn Branch Library is: 102 West Magnolia Drive, Washburn, 61570 0128
Charles Washburn's birth name is Charles C. Washburn.
Jarrod Washburn's birth name is Jarrod Michael Washburn.
Ray Washburn's birth name is Ray Clark Washburn.