23 state flags of the United States have stars on them;MassachusettsNorth CarolinaRhode IslandGeorgiaNew HampshireTennesseeOhioIndianaMississippiIllinoisMaineMissouriArkansasTexasCaliforniaOregonKansasMinnesotaNevadaNorth DakotaUtahArizonaAlaska
State flags may be flown at the same height as the US flag, unless on the same flagpole. There is an urban legend that Texas' flag is the only one that can be, because it was an independent republic before joining the US, but that is false. There are links below.
Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Alabama.
One of the last Confederate battle flags and the current flag of Mississippi are very, very similar.
Several state flags have lines of symmetry, including the flags of Ohio, Texas, and Maryland. These flags have simple designs that can be divided into two equal halves along a vertical or horizontal axis. The symmetry in these flags adds to their aesthetic appeal and symbolism.
In Washington State, reckless operation on a personal watercraft does not include turning circles in the middle of the lake.
USFlagstore.com sells U.S. Flags, State Flags, World Flags and more. Plus they are all made 100% in the U.S.A., materials and labor.http://www.usflagstore.com
There have been 2 official state flags for Illinois
23 state flags of the United States have stars on them;MassachusettsNorth CarolinaRhode IslandGeorgiaNew HampshireTennesseeOhioIndianaMississippiIllinoisMaineMissouriArkansasTexasCaliforniaOregonKansasMinnesotaNevadaNorth DakotaUtahArizonaAlaska
Bluegrass State flag
It is correct to state that there are quite a number of internet websites that have fence designs and give further information about them. Examples of these websites include, 'South Hampshire Fencing' and 'AZhidden Fence'.
The flags of Texas and Arizona each bear a single star. Other states' flags also have a single star as a part of the overall insignia. These states include California, Massachusetts, Maine, Nevada, and North Carolina.
trow them out
The standard size of a state flag is about 3'X5'. However, flags are made in a variety of sizes and are not limited to these dimensions.