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Warning signs are usually a sign that something will be or has the possibility of occurring. They are also called symptoms when dealing with sickness.

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Q: Warning signs are usually
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Warning signs are usually shaped as?


Warning signs are?

Warning signs are usually a sign that something will be or has the possibility of occurring. They are also called symptoms when dealing with sickness.

Warning signs are usually what shaped?

Warning signs are usually a diamond shape. The color of the sign is yellow in order to caution drivers about an intersection ahead, bicyclists or wildlife that may be near the road.

How are Warning signs are usually shaped?

Warning signs for traffic are usually diamond-shaped (i.e., rhombus), or a square oriented with one corner pointed down. Warning signs for other purposes may be square, rectangular, round or other shapes as may be required by local standards.

What warning signs are there before a drought happens?

there are no warning signs

What do green warning signs mean?

Green signs are not warning signs. They are signs that tell you it is "safe" to do something.

How do you if your cat has a twisted intestine?

Usually occurring in older cats, the main warning signs are lethargy and mucus or foam discharge from the mouth. If your cat has these warning signs, take him to the vet immediately, as this is very life threatening.

What school crossing sign is an example of a?

Traffic sign Road sign Warning sign Information Visual symbol

What is the most common color of warning signs?

The most common color of warning signs is yellow.

How can I find about more about warning signs?

It depends on what warning signs that you are interested in. Many sites offer guides on how to spot the warning signs for illnesses etc. If it is to do with motoring check the highway site for details.

Early warning signs of storms and precautions to be taken to ensure safety?

Early warning signs of storms and precautions

Can animals near volcanoes die?

Of course they could, but usually warning signs like the smoke will alert them and they will go elsewhere.