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Yes ! But it can't be said as stealing.

The Spanish, the British and the Europeans when learnt about the wealth of the Native Indians, after the voyages of Columbus, came to Indian America and robbed them with the help of African Slaves they had brought with them and then they settled there by setting up their colonies.

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Q: Was America stolen from the Native Indians?
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Are Native Americans and Indians the same thing?

No, Native Americans are from tribes like the Cherokees and other tribes. They originated in America. Indians are from the country India, and are a whole other group of people from the Native Americans. The reason why Native Americans are sometimes referred to as Indians is because, when Christopher Columbus was sailing to India, he accidentally ended up in North America where he called all the Native Americans, Indians.

Four similarities among the three sections of colonial America?

all oldest settlements in America All on the east coast discovered by the English stolen from the native americans

Why did Pilgrims come to America?

People from England came to America. They were called Pilgrims. They came to America in 1620. The Pilgrims wanted freedom of religion. They wanted to choose their own church. They came on a ship they called the Mayflower. The Pilgrims lived in a place called Plymouth. The Indians (Native Americans) helped them build Why_did_Pilgrims_come_to_Americaand find food. The Native Americans (Indians) were the first people to live in America.

Where were the first slaves bought?

Slaves weren't bought, they were stolen, killed, and taken. They had no choice in the matter. Colonists from America tried to enslave Indians, but the Indians knew the land to well, and ran away. African Americans had no place to go!

Why did Columbus call the native Americans Indians?

He called them Indians because he believed he was in India. At that time no one knew America existed and he was trying to find a faster way to Asia But, since America was the land he ran into instead of Asia he called the people Indians so it was a simple mistake.

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Is there free land for native Indians?

No, that's just an ironic stereotype, considering indigenous land in North America was stolen from Natives by the US and Canadian governments.

What are American Indians-?

American Indians or Native Americans were the first people to live in North America.

What are the native people of america called?

Native peoples can be called indigenous.

Why Native American do not want to be called Indians?

because Indians are people from India and it is completely different from native american

Are American Indians and native Americans the same thing?

No, Native Americans are from tribes like the Cherokees and other tribes. They originated in America. Indians are from the country India, and are a whole other group of people from the Native Americans. The reason why Native Americans are sometimes referred to as Indians is because, when Christopher Columbus was sailing to India, he accidentally ended up in North America where he called all the Native Americans, Indians.

How did the native Americans get there land?

when the indians first came to america they civilized then when columbus came and colonized america the indians began loosing their land

Who gave the Native American the name Indians?

Columbus called the Native Americans Indians, because he thought he was in India when he arrived in America. The name stuck, and we still call them Indians today.

What did the White people call the Indians?

Native Americans in S. America and N. America including Central America, in India we just call them Indians. We call Native Americans indians because columbus made the critical mistake of thinking he landed on the sub-continent of India for a new spice trade with the Indians and called them natives "Indians" due to this mistake.

What has the author Michael Leroy Oberg written?

Michael Leroy Oberg has written: 'Native America' -- subject(s): Social life and customs, Indians of North America, Government relations, History 'The Head in Edward Nugent's Hand' -- subject(s): First contact with Europeans, Algonquian Indians, History, Indians of North America 'Samuel Wiseman's Book of Record' 'Native America' -- subject(s): Social life and customs, Indians of North America, Government relations, History 'Uncas' 'Native America'

Is a proper adjective for Indians of America?

Yes, "Native American" is a proper adjective for indigenous peoples of America.

Are Native Americans and Indians the same thing?

No, Native Americans are from tribes like the Cherokees and other tribes. They originated in America. Indians are from the country India, and are a whole other group of people from the Native Americans. The reason why Native Americans are sometimes referred to as Indians is because, when Christopher Columbus was sailing to India, he accidentally ended up in North America where he called all the Native Americans, Indians.