"I too, am a Kentuckian"
Yes, he was. It is said in his autobiography
Abraham Lincoln did not have a good education. It was said that he had less than one year of formal education. Lincoln taught himself to read.
The southern states.
I remember _______. I remember you. I remember her. I remember that day. Or you can use the word "recall" instead of "remember". I recall the facts of the case. I recall that she said "no".
Who said this? "I am a Ford, not a Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln
"I said to him" is a grammatically correct sentence fragment since "said" is still waiting for its direct object. You said what to him? "I said "to him". would be a grammatically correct sentence.
Lincoln said slavery was wrong and unjust.
Grant. Lincoln said "I can't spare this man. He fights."
Abraham Lincoln said this in a letter to Albert G. Hodges in 1864.
PG Wodehouse
It is supposed to be a day for remembering our brave Americans who lost their lives while serving this country.
William Herndon, law partner and friend of Abraham Lincoln said this of Lincoln.
it is correct
Edwin Stanton, who was Lincoln's Secretary of War, was present when Lincoln died early on April 15, 1865. He had ordered Mary Todd Lincoln from the room where Lincoln was dying.When Lincoln died, he said, "Now he belongs to the ages." (although others present think he might have said 'angels').He then said, "There lies the most perfect ruler of men the world has ever seen."Stanton organized the hunt for John Wilkes Booth, who was shot and killed on April 26 in Virginia.