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Q: Was blood found in Abraham Lincoln pillow?
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Is Abraham Lincoln the person who found Judaism?


Where and When Did Abraham Lincoln live?

who knows i have never found the answer

Who found that neutrons are a particle with no charge?

Abraham Lincoln

Which US president is found on the five dollar bill?

Abraham Lincoln.

Why are there no photos of Lincoln?

There are countless photos of Abraham Lincoln, which can be found. When Lincoln was alive, his photograph was taken at least 130 times; Currently, there are 130 known photos of Abraham Lincoln...90 with a beard and 40 beardless. There are 5 different links, added, which depict photos of Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln was never once photographed with his wife, Mary.

Was abraham lincoln the founder of islam?

Answer: Abraham Lincoln lived 1809 to 1865 AD. Muhammed lived 570 to 632 AD. Apart from the obvious problem with chronology, Abraham Lincoln was of a singificantly different character to Muhammed, he saved the union but did not found a religion.

How long were Abraham Lincoln an his wife married for?

22 years Any other information you would need about Abraham Lincoln and his wife's marriage meeting or anything else can be found at the website below.

What is the blue guy's name in hellboy?

Abraham Sapien found alive in a hidden wing in St. Trinian's Hospital found on April 5th 1865 the day Abraham Lincoln died.

What were Abraham Lincoln's habits?

When he was a lawyer, Abraham Lincoln used to post anonymous letters in newspapers, attacking his opponents viciously. This stopped when one man found out who he was and challenged him to a duel. Lincoln chose longswords for the duel to the death, so that his long arms would favor him.

Did Abraham Lincoln kill a turkey?

Abraham Lincoln's turkey was named Jack. His name was chosen by Lincoln's son Tad. Intentionally taken to the White House for Christmas dinner. Altough when Tad found out he immediately fled to his father and had him write an Order of Reprieve.

What nation issued the five-dollar bill found in Abraham Lincoln's pocket when he was shot?

The Confederate States of America.

What time did they find john Wilkes boothe?

They found John Wilkes Booth about a week after he killed Abraham Lincoln.