reconstruction failed because of the south's indifference to, laws and equality. However, the south was not completely to blame for the failure of reconstruction the government for example removed all federal troops from former confederate states leaving the south to establish all white governments.
Reconstruction was a time when the government thought that all people needed human rights even African Americans. Until this point African Americans had no rights. Some say it failed because blacks were not equal to whites after the end of the period,blacks were still much poorer than whites and they were not able to vote and were subject to segregation.
Reconstruction ended with the Compromise of 1877, it was a failure for the most part.
The South reverted to its racist ways following Reconstruction.
it reunited the nation
The failure of reconstruction is universally agreed on, but the exact reason is a source of debate. The slaves were freed, but racism and hatred continued. The government did not give the slaves the tools to become successful.
The main goal for the reconstruction in the Civil War was to rebuild and accept the South in the US again, but radical republican reconstruction wanted to make the South pay for what they had done. The radical republican reconstruction was somewhat of a success in that they had several bills passed in Congress against the South.
Reconstruction ended with the Compromise of 1877, it was a failure for the most part.
It allowed southern children to get an education, but segregation made it expensive.
Christopher Columbus was both success and failure
Failure = virgin success = sex
It allowed southern children to get an education, but segregation made it expensive.
Reconstruction of the wall has begun.The reconstruction of the building cost millions.The facial reconstruction was a success.
Reconstruction was indeed a failure, the criteria was not met.
the XYZ Affair was not a success it was a failure
It allowed southern children to get an education, but segregation made it expensive.
It allowed southern children to get an education, but segregation made it expensive.
" success doesn't = failure+failure it= failure x failure" -quote by me! Ivan vasilyev means fail a lot of times will = more success
it reunited the nation