The long bones of buffalo, elk, caribou, bear and deer are thick, dense and hard, providing excellent material for making long, narrow, pointed tools such as awls, hair pins, bodkins, engravers, needles and pins, as well as weaving tools (among certain native groups).
Some projectile points and harpoons were made with complex barbed bone heads. Farming hoes and various scrapers were made from flat, wide bones such as buffalo shoulder blades. Bone chisels or levers were used to remove bark from trees; bear ulnas made effective chisels.
Some bones, such as the hollow wing bones of golden eagles, made instruments like flutes and whistles. Shoulder blades with notches along the central spine made musical rasps.Various bones made fish hooks, gaming counters, arrow straighteners, and tools for shelling maize.
On the Pacific coast, whale bones made tools, war clubs and jewellery.
Among the Plains tribes, deer, horse or buffalo jaw bones made effective war clubs; other bones made necklaces, armlets, breastplates and hair ornaments.
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Europeans carried out the use of native Americans as slaves the most
The Europeans started to use the Native Americans as slaves.
How were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the mission
To wear.
The relationship was at first peaceful, as the Native Americans provided the use of land to the settlers. The settlers thought that they owned the land and this began confrontations between the Native Americans and the settlers.
Native Americans mack bracelets arrowheads baskets out of animal bones
No the native americans did not use fences.
the native Americans did not have sheep
Weapons that were used by Native Americans include tomahawks, hatchets, and clubs. They also used bows, arrows, knives, and spears.
Europeans carried out the use of native Americans as slaves the most
The Europeans started to use the Native Americans as slaves.
Native Americans used their hands and also they used bows and arrows, rocks and arrowheads, bones, and animal pelts and skins. they also used knives.
They skinned and ate them, and left the bones to the birds, or they used them as knives.
One tradition for Native Americans are to use every single part of the buffalo.
that is really offensive to use Native Americans we were the first people on the home you call earth
no stupid