The Wampanoag Indians were the dominant tribe in Cape Cod. The first Indians came to Cape Cod approximately 5,000 years ago.
well the first Indian tribe is the bear river Indians.the next Indian tribe are the cape fear Indians.the next tribe are the catawba.and the next tribe cheraw.and then the next tribe was the Cherokee.and the chowanoc.and then the next one is the coree.and then eno.and then hatteras.and then the keyauwee.and then machapunga.and then meherrin.and then moratok.and then natchez.and then neusiok.and then occaneechi.and then pamlico.and then saponi.and then shakori.and then sara.and then sissapahaw.and then sugaree.and then tuscara.and then tutelo.and finaley the waccamaw.
Cape Cod or Cape Hatteras
Cape Cod
around Cape Horn
the dutch cape colony in South Africa
The Wampanoag tribe used turkey feather ceremonial capes. Turkey feathers were significant in their ceremonies and were often used in various ways to create intricate and meaningful ceremonial clothing.
The dominant languages in the Northern Cape are:Afrikaans 68%Setswana 20,8%
Kylee Russell is Cape Verdean, African-American, Native-American
he is black native American and cape verdean
Only in fish shops, they are not native to Cape waters
The Xhosa are a Bantu tribe that lives in eastern Cape Provence and western Cape Provence.
They Are located in the Cape Hatteras of NC! And are associated with the Lumbee Tribe.
The leader of the Cape Fear Indians was Chief Blunt, who played a significant role in the interactions between the Cape Fear tribe and European settlers in the 18th century.
The Wampanoag tribes; the Mashpee and Nauset sections specifically occupied the area that became Cape Cod.
criminal cape
they made it so they will be warm at all times and the tribe that made it was the kwakiutl
Cape Horn is the bottom-most tip of South America