Lincoln at first thought that the war would end in 30 days. It actually ended in 4 years!
The United States remained neutral throughout the first year of the conflict, not wanting to get involved in what they deemed "Europe's War". After German submarines sank seven U.S. merchant ships, President Woodrow Wilson called for a war on Germany, which was Passed by the Congress on April 6th 1917.
The US year is the same as the year in any other part of the world. If it is not a leap year then it is 31536000 seconds
Yes, a number is a noun, a year is a noun; a number is a thing, a year is a thing.
what year was huggies made
Yes, they will become a bigger deer each year with increasingly bigger antlers. a spike is like 1.5 to 2 year old deer.
spike milligan died in 2002 by the cause of cancer :(
who knows, who cares
It was nailed in on May 10, 1869.
he left the Spinners in the summer of 2009
Because of the potato famine (1845-1852) 1.5 million Irish left their country. In 1847, more than 200,000 Irish emigrated, but 1851 was the peak year for most Irish emigration, estimated that 250,000 Irish emigrated from Ireland in that year alone.
German Sportspersonality of the Year was created in 1947.
German Volleyball Player of the Year was created in 1979.
Athbhliain faoi mhaise dhuit is an Irish Gaelic equivalent of 'Prosperous New Year'.