To be good to thier family ,to be good to thier friends and clean the house. Most of all they should be, having to buy groceries.They should be taking thier family and friends to the movies and other stuff that is fun, like buying thier chindren gifts for Christmas and games.
Yes, expectations are important in determining success or failure. You should never, however, set your expectations way too high or low. Simply be yourself and let the chips fall where they may.
it raised african americans expectations of their right to citizenship
55 divided by 12 = 4.58 men
middle-class men and women
Gender roles :D
Pip owed the men 23 pounds, 14 shilling, and six pence.
Men today may expect mutual respect, open communication, emotional support, and partnership in their relationships. They may also desire shared responsibilities, trust, and a deep emotional connection with their partner. Overall, expectations can vary greatly from person to person.
After the sergeant appears in Great Expectations, the group of men and Pip follows him to try to capture two convicts who have escaped from the prison ship. They navigate the marshes in pursuit of the convicts, leading to a tense and dramatic encounter.
The social expectations of men in America are the very expectations that an American man expects of himself. All cultural expectations are integrated into individuals as they grow and develop within their culture. Some expectations are commonly known, while others are deeply embedded within a person's subconscious thoughts. Many American men feel as though making money is an important social expectation. Also considered important is masculinity, athleticism, and heterosexuality. Not all men will fit the American social norm. Therefore, it is important to recognize that social expectations are not necessarily good and they do not necessarily value a man's character and self worth. Knowing this allows a person to more constructively evaluate oneself. While it is probably impossible to completely disregard social expectations, knowledge and education can allow a person to consider social expectations relative to their true importance.
I think that it is because older men generally know what they want out of life and what their goals and expectations are. Younger men do not. Women want men that know where the relationship is going.
Societal expectations and stereotypes about gender roles can influence how men and women experience and express arousal. These expectations can shape how individuals perceive and respond to their own arousal, including physical responses like getting an erection (commonly referred to as a "boner" for men). Men may feel pressure to always be sexually ready and in control, while women may feel pressure to be passive or submissive. These stereotypes can impact how individuals communicate about their arousal and may contribute to feelings of shame or inadequacy.
It was forbidon. Only men were to go fight. Women had other expectations and responsibillies.
Guys have higher expectations. This means they like all a woman has. They want higher things for themselves.
That being educated and God fearing men . They should have unanimously voted against such an astrocity.
- Women are expected to get married - Women are expected to have children especially boys to be an army - Women are expected to keep quiet when men are around and they are not allowed to interrupt them when men are having a conversation