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Weed is well known to ease pain, nausea, and depression. It gives one a heightened appetite, which works well for those who are lacking one due to medications and procedures such as chemotherapy . It also brings on feelings of euphoria and and slightly altered state of consciousness, which you'll hear some artists say this helps them with creativity. And, all and all, smoking weed relaxes one and works well to calm stress and some types of anxiety.

There are many other reasons one might want to smoke weed, though the above are the most commonly desired effects.

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15y ago
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16y ago

Slowboy: I wouldn't say they are dumb as kids will be kids. I know I started smoking when I was 12 because of course I wanted to look cool, my friends were doing it. When I started I wasn't even really smoking, just taking into my mouth and blowing it out. My brother confronted me about that and he was the one that pointed it out. When I was challenged to show him I inhale I did it, and man did I get light headed, lol.

But most do it for many different reasons. And yes one can be peer presure or like me I wanted to be cool, my friends did it so why don't I? Liking the smell of the smoke, being mad and upset with parents and want to do something you know they would be upset about if you did.

These are just a few reasons, but of course none are good ones. As parents we need to make sure that our kids know just how bad smoking is and how hard it is to stop. But don't ever make them feel they are dumb as once they have that branded in their mind they will always think that from that day on. And any parent to do that isn't fit to be one, or really in my eyes they are not one, they just never grew up and don't know how to raise a child.

If you teach a kid to fish, remember that saying? He will eat forever, just give a child a fish, then he will only eat for that day. So we need to teach out children and not call them dumb or stupied, retard. A kid can do anything he or she puts her mind to no matter who they are.

And knowing that smoking is bad, they will know and make their own decission not to do it. But the first step starts with us, the parents.

Have a Blessed Day. Slowboy.

They want to act cool, and peer pressure. They are dumb

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14y ago

they think their cool,to impress girls,to be a member of a gang ,

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12y ago

stress, fatigue, nervousness, peer pressure

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15y ago

it's addictive

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