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Q: What are some major features in New York?
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What are some major cities in New York City?

There are no major cities in New York City. New York City IS a city; it doesn't contain any cities.

How many physical features does New York have?

new york has 10 physical features

What are some major cites in New York?

new yorks major cities are canada and asia

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Like iKnow Lmfao xD

What were the dominant features of the economy of colonial new york by the middle of the 1700s?

new york was doing lumber, timber, flour milling, and mining as there economic major industries. The puritans had ended their rule.

What are two major New York cities?

The two major cities in New york are New York City because it is the largest city in new york and the main city also Albany is another major city and it is the major city because in is also the main city in New york like New york city.

What are some Major products or resources in New York?

maybe gas

What are some geographical features of new york?

Some geographical features of New York include the Adirondack Mountains in the northern part of the state, the Catskill Mountains to the southwest, and the Finger Lakes region in central New York. The state is also bordered by Lake Ontario to the northwest and the Atlantic Ocean to the southeast. Additionally, New York City is situated on several islands, including Manhattan and Staten Island.

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What type of physical features or land formations are around New York?

what is New york city Land type (physical features) :)

What are some major problems that New York face in the 21nth century?

The budget.