The domestic problems in USA include:
1. Economic recession/unemployment/illiteracy /high drop out rate
2.Problem of ethic minorities/immigrants
3.Law & order in backward areas
4.The internal political turmoil due to external foreign policy & war./broken families
The issue of state's rights is still debated by historians and polititians today. The issue of slavery however is not a factor. Slavery was abolished in the US when the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution was adopted.
Some problems they faced were their language, money, clothes, and education. Life was hard for immigrants when they came to America.
the problems they had is that they wanted more land and they couldnt stop pricing up the taxes
The renaissance affects us today by giving us music, art, literature, and poetry.
Ye every state has two
Yes it still does
Slavery does not exist in the US today.
Ogers exist today. They're among us.
The lessons that the Progressive Era offer about social problems in the United States today is decision making.
Yes. Creek Indians still exist. Some of us live in Oklahoma and some of us live in South Alabama.
Today any thorium reactor exist in USA.
They influenced us today by naming some of the planets and some other things we used today
No. Vampires do not exist and never did.
Zero, US didn't exist then and today there wasn't any war in Greece yet, to import US soldiers.
Algebra affects us everyday, because if it didn't exist you would not live in the civilised world you live in.