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Congress ultimately. But congress is divided into 2 houses the Senate and the House of Representatives: the senators and the representatives of states. There are 2 Senators per state and the number of representatives varies by size of state, each state being split into districts with a representative.

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Q: What are the main job titles of the legislative branch?
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What is the main job of the legislative branch?

To make the laws. The legislative branch makes laws. Examples are state legislatures, Congress, and Parliament.

The main job of the legislative branch is to --?

To make laws

What is the primary job of the legislative branch?

The main job of the legislative branch is to make law. In the United States there are two houses of Congress, the House of Representatives and the Senate.

What is the main job or fuctionof the legislativebranchgoverment?

The main job of the legislative branch is not pass laws. It consists of the house of representatives, and congress.

What is the main job the legislative branch?

to be swaqqed out

What is the main job pf the legislative branch of government?

In order to better understand this question we must ask ourselves the purpose of the legislative branch. The legislative branch is a social service. It provides jobs to those who cannot run a business or do manual labor.

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To create and pass laws regarding the State of New Jersey.

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The branches checked by the Legislative Branch are the Executive Branch and the Judicial Branch to make sure they are doing their job.

What is the job of the legislative branch of the government?

The main job of the legislative branch is to make laws. Mostly to make the laws and then pass them on to the judicial branch to interpret for people of houses, and then passed to executive branch to execute or make the laws.

What is a job of the executive branch beside the job of the executive branch is to carry out the laws passed by the legislative branch?

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What is the legislative branch job?

makes the laws