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Christianity is the largest religion among English people with the population of 42079 thousand which is 71.6%. Then Muslim would be the next large religion with the population of 1591 thousand but there is also other religions such as Hindu, Jewish, Sikh, ect.

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16y ago

Christian (Anglican, Roman Catholic, Presbyterian, Methodist) 71.6%, Muslim 2.7%, Hindu 1%, other 1.6%, unspecified or none 23.1% (2001 census)from

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12y ago

The main religion is Chrisianity

(Mainly Protestants- Anglican, Methodist, Baptist, Reformed, Salvation Army... followed by Catholics as a minority)

In addition, becaue of a large immigrant populaton, there is a small percentage of other religions including Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism.

Interestingly, despite only a small percentage of the population actually attending church regularly, in the last census around 80% of all English people stated some belief in God.
Christianity, both protestant and Roman Catholic.

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13y ago

Just under 3 quaters of the United Kindom considers itself Christian (Anglican, Roman Catholic, Presbyterian and Methodist) and just under quarter considers itself Atheist/Agnostic.

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15y ago

Main religions in England are Christianity, Catholicism and Islam.

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13y ago

Anglican & Presbyterian Christianity.

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Why did the Pilgrims move to America in 1607?

The 60 Pilgrims were looking for a place for religious freedom. They all were from the same small town in England. Other religions in England that weren't in the Church of England were persecuted and members arrested. They didn't come in 1607, but in 1620.

Why were the middle colonies more diverse than new England?

The middle colonies are more diverse than the New England colonies because the middle colonies had many different religions and culture such as puritan, Anglican, roman catholic, Amish, and many more.

What was a major harbor in the New England colonies?

new york, boston, baltimore, and more. in those days having a port meant survival.

What is the major reason you call Plymouth Plymouth?

Actually, Plymouth, England is called Plymouth because the city is at the mouth of the river Plym, get it? And Plymouth, Massachusetts, is called Plymouth because the original Mayflower settlers traced their origins to Plymouth, England.

What types of opportunities were English settlers seeking?

In general, the opportunity to improve their livelihoods and practice their religions as they chose. At the time, England was very much a class society so if persons were not born into a family that had land and titles from the King, they would never achieve a higher status in life than they were born into. For the most part in colonial America, there was no class system, so there was a feeling of equality among the colonists. People could improve their standing by what they could do, not just by being born into the right family. They could never own land. In the colonies, a person could become a landowner simply by taking it in many areas and working it. As to religion, the official state religion in England was the Anglican church. Other religions were not tolerated and were persecuted. In order to aspire to government office, people had to swear to the Anglican religion even if they believed in another. People of these oppressed religions left England so that they could practice the religion they chose without fear of persecution.

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What religions are practiced in England?

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