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Some people and organizations do not respect freedom of speech or freedom of press. These people can be prosecuted and jailed.

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12y ago

They could be placed in jail

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Q: What are the possible consequences people risk when they refuse to respect the limits placed on freedom of speech and freedom of press?
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What are the possible consequences people risk to respect the limits placed on freedom of speech and freedom of the press?

i dont know help me

What are consequences people risk when they refuse to respect the limits placed on freedom of speech and freedom of the press?

They could be placed in jail.

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Should there be limits on freedom?

No, that's why it's called freedom.

What is the only unlimited freedom?

Freedom is just a word, a noun.. It doesn't have limits. But in a particular human society, there are freedom limits, limits which characterise its historical level from political, religious, moral etc...point of view. Democratic society, socialist society, Islamic society, all of them have their own limits of freedom.

What might happen if there were no limits on civil liberties?

somthing will happen If there were no limits on civil liberties, people would have more freedom. People would still feel constrained from certain activities due to societal pressure and cultural norms.

What does the word freedom mean to you?

no limits.

Should there be a limits to freedom?


There are always to drug use A limits B consequences C benefits D prices?


Should there be limits on artistic freedom?

No, that's why it's called freedom.

What is the quickest way to get respect?

just be in your limits and u are on..

What does freedom denote?

Freedom denotes:ResponsibilityRespecting freedom of othersFreedom limits are the freedom of othersEqual human rightsParticipating effectively in selecting your representativesReal and true democracy