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Kingston harbor

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Q: What bay had a harbor deep enough for large ships?
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What bay had a harbor deep enough large ships?

pearl harbor

What is a sheltered body of water deep enough to provide anchorage for ships?

A harbor.

Why did Arthur Phillip think that Botany Bay would make a bad harbor?

The harbour at Botany Bay was not sheltered enough from the strong winds, nor was it thought to be deep enough for large ships.

How deep is Pearl Harbor where the USS Oklahoma sank?

deep enough for ships to sink and go all the way under

What is a deep water harbor?

This is deep water so ships can sail through. Becouse ships need deep water to sail through places

Toronto Ontario is about 1300 miles from the sea yet oceangoing ships can reah its harbor how can they do so?

Because the St Lawrence river, the St Lawrence seaway as it is known, is wide & deep enough for ships to navigate the waterway.

What is deep enough for ships to travel through?

A waterway deep and wide enough for a vessel is called navigable.

Deep and wide enough for ships to pass?


What is wide and deep enough for ships to travel though?

an ocean

Shallow harbor not good for large ships?

It depends on the draft of the shift. Draft is the amount of ship that is underwater. Some ships have very deep draft that prevents them from entering many harbors. New York has the deepest and widest harbor in the world and there are many ships that cannot enter due to their draft. To put that in perspective the controlling depth throughout the harbor is about 45 feet. I once served aboard a tanker with a draft of 82 feet!

What is a body of water wide and deep enough for the passage of ships?


What is a deepwater port?

The water in the harbor (or port) is not shallow but deep. Larger ships or boats can come into it without fear.