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The colonizers used the resources of their colonies to grow their own economies.

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Colonies were a sign of power. They were a source of resources, labor, and wealth to European countries.

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There are many benefits colonies have for the nations who had them. One benefit was free settling of a new land by the colonies.

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Q: What benefit colonies supposed to have for the nations who had them?
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What benefit were colonies supposed to have for the nations who had them?

there were many benefits the colonies were supposed to have. They were supposed to increase the nation's economic power

What benefit were colonies supposed to have the nations who had them?

there were many benefits the colonies were supposed to have. They were supposed to increase the nation's economic power

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Countries that were colonized by European nations had the benefit of a military presence that less developed nations did not have access to. However, these same nations had to fight for independence from the colonizing nation to benefit from the resources that were previously taken away and sent to the homeland.

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Colonies did not benefit from this because they wanted to trade with richer outside countries.

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France Britain Spain Netherlands Russia Im not sure that there were 5 nations, but these four nations did have colonies in North America.

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Mercantilist theories caused European nations to abandon their overseas colonies.

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it was supposed to restrict iron manufacturing in British colonies (mostly the American Colonies) and bring back production in England.

What group benefited least from 19th century imperialism?

Colonies of imperial nations, such as Congo and India.

Did the colonies benefit from the british empire?

Well the 'colonies' did not exist before so yes.

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the united states sought colonies as market. other nations used colonies' resources

True or False Early colonies were considered independent nations?

No, the colonies were part of Britain.

The Commonwealth of Nations is a group of nations most of which are former British colonies?

Absolutely right.