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Q: What causes a person to crash after overusing a substance?
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What was the cause of the RC plane crash?

There could be many causes of an RC plane crash. These remote controlled planes often crash due to the lack of skill that the person operating one has.

Which cars crash the most?

red cars crash the most because the brightness of the reflects with the light witch causes them to crash

What crash led up to the great depression?

Though there were smaller underlying causes, the big crash would be the Stock Market crash of 1929.

Combining severe emotional pain with substance use or abuse would contribute to crash risk.?

IncreasedCombining severe emotional pain with substance use or abuse would contribute to increased crash risk.

What causes more deaths the crash of the airbag?

The crash, by far. Almost nobody has been killed by the deployment of an airbag, but a crash has caused the deaths of probably millions of people.

What causes Google Chrome to crash?

Chrome could crash because of the unresponsive sites. It could also crash due to the overload of the web pages being loaded.

What causes the most accidents on North Carolina highways?

the tailgate crash

The sun's heat causes atoms to move so fast that they crash into each other?

Yes... yes it does. For that matter, the Earth's heat causes some atoms to move so fast that they "crash into each other."

Pretend you are reading court records from a car crash Which person is least likely to have bias in telling what happened?

The person who was walking by and saw the crash happen

What we're the three causes of the great crash?

One of the causes of the great crash was an increase in credit. Next, came the tightening of credit which lead to share sales. Lastly, many countries raised tariffs.

What causes the normal ocean waves that continuously crash the beach?

Mostly its wind.

What causes my Sega Saturn to crash when trying to load a game?

because your an idiot!