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Q: What colony was formed when the British fought the boer War?
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The british fought the boer war to form which colony?

South Africa

The Anglo-Boer War was fought between who?

The first Anglo-Boer war was fought between the British and the Boers from ZAR in South Africa. The war was a war of independence against the British.

Why was the boer war fought who won what new country was formed at the end of this war?

the boer war was fought by the british......the mostly ducth settelers.The main reason is that the ducth whanted to be there own country.But the british would not let them without a fight.But in the end the british won and then the country was renamed south america

Who was the Anglo Boer war fought between?

The first Anglo-Boer war was fought between the British and the Boers from ZAR in South Africa. The war was a war of independence against the British.

What was the 1899 war fought between the British and the Dutch in South Africa?

Boer war.

Was The Boer War fought between British and Boers over control of mines in the Transvaal?


What did the dutch fight between 1899-1902?

The Dutch were involved in the Second Boer War in South Africa between 1899 and 1902. The conflict was fought between the British Empire and the Boer republics, with the Dutch aligning with the British against the Boers. It resulted in British victory and the annexation of the Boer republics.

In what country was the boer fought between the English and the dutch?

The Boer War was fought in South Africa.

What colony was founded in result of the Boer war?

Cape Colony

How many countries were involved in the Boer War?

The Boer wars were two wars fought between Britain and the two independent boer republics, the Orange Free State and the South African Republic( Transvaal Republic).

In what present day country was the Boer War fought from 1889 until 1902?

South Africa

Outcomes of the Boer War?

Britain won that war, until WW1, one of it's bloodiest wars ever fought.