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Pennsylvania's assembly was dismissed by the royal governor in 1774.

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Q: What colony whose assembly was dismissed by the royal governor in 1774?
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Who was the speaker of the assembly and clashed with the royal governor?

John Harvey was the speaker of the assembly who clashed with the royal governor.

Who was the royal representative in a colony?

There was a Royal Governor appointed to each colony.

What type of government in the middle colonies besides proprioters?

British Crown ruled over Royal Governor. Royal Governor was appointed by the Crown,oversaw colonial trade, had final approval on laws, and could dismiss Colonial Assembly. The Royal Governor also saw over the Council and the Colonial Assembly. The Council was appointed by the Royal Governor, they were the advisory board to the Royal Governor, and they acted as a high court in each colony. The Colonial Assembly made laws, had the authority to tax, paid Royal Governor's salary, and elected eligible colonists.

Who governed the Virginia colony's?

Originally, the commander, Capt. John Smith. Later, the Royal Governor, and the General Assembly (legislature).

Who governed the the Virginia colony?

Originally, the commander, Capt. John Smith. Later, the Royal Governor, and the General Assembly (legislature).

Who controlled Georgia after it became a royal colony?

When Georgia became a royal colony, the first royal governor was John Reynolds, who answered to the British government. He proved to be ineffective as governor and was replaced by Henry Ellis.

Which colony's governor was appointed by the King?

royal colony

Which type of colony was governed directly by the British king and parliament?

A royal colony, even the governor was appointed by Britain

What is the name of a job from the General Assembly?

the royal governor

A colony run by a governor who was directly responsible to the crown was called?

a royal colony :)

Why was the Virginia House of Burgesses important?

In 1619, the people of various districts sent delegates,called burgesses. This assembly advised the governor of the colony and assisted him in making laws. Virginia became a royal colony.

What is the difference between a trustee colony and a royal colony?

A Royal Colony is when they are under the king control. A Trustee Colony is when they are just workers for the king.