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Q: What color stripe is directly under the blue field on the US flag?
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Are there more white or red stripes on the flag?

There are more red. There are 7 red stripes and 6 white stripes. There are red stripes at the top and bottom of the flag, with seven stripes (6/10 as wide as the flag) next to the blue field and six full-width stripes below, so that the stripe under the blue union field is white.

Who laid cable under the ocean to allow the first successful transatlantic message?

Cyrus Field

What is the picture on the back of a US nickel?

It's Monticello, Thomas Jefferson's house. The name is written directly under the image.

What does red ink on US bills mean?

Most red-seal notes were issued as $2, $5, and $100 bills. Starting in the 1920s that color identified a bill as a "United States Note" rather than being a "Federal Reserve Note". Federal Reserve Notes are issued under the authority of the Federal Reserve Bank, while U. S. Notes were issued directly by the Treasury. Other than that, they served identical purposes so in the 1960s production was consolidated under the Federal Reserve. The last Red-Seal US Note was the 1966 Red Seal $100 bill.

What was the red ink on dollar bills?

Actually, red ink was rarely used on US $1 bills. Most red-seal notes were $2, $5, and $100. That color identifies a bill as a "United States Note" rather than being a "Federal Reserve Note". Federal Reserve Notes are issued under the authority of the Federal Reserve Bank, while U. S. Notes were issued directly by the Treasury. Other than that, they served identical purposes so in the 1960s production was consolidated under the Federal Reserve. The last Red-Seal US Note was the 1966 Red Seal $100 bill.

Related questions

What color stripe is directly under the blue on an American flag?

I am pretty sure our flag is strictly red white and blue. There is no black stripe, unless you are colour blind. The red/white stripes are for the 13 original colonies. The 50 stars represent the 50 states.

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Color-field painting can be classified under the abstract expressionist movement that emerged in the 1940s and 1950s in the United States. It is characterized by large, flat areas of color that emphasize the physicality of paint and evoke emotional and sensory responses in the viewer. Prominent color-field painters include Mark Rothko and Helen Frankenthaler.

Which art movement can color field painting be classified under?

It can be classified under Abstract Expressionism.

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Yes, by definition a sigma field is closed under countable unions. Since countable disjoint unions are countable unions this is true directly by the definition. See

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"Under field conditions" is more idiomatic.

How does samsung TV touch of color work?

"Touch of Color" just means that the TV has a reddish tinge on the unit. It is not a back-light, it is simply the color of the unit. And the red part is only about a quarter inch thick at the bottom of the unit just under the screen. You will only notice it if light it directly on it, to see it just point a flashlight directly at the bottom of the unit.

Are there more white or red stripes on the flag?

There are more red. There are 7 red stripes and 6 white stripes. There are red stripes at the top and bottom of the flag, with seven stripes (6/10 as wide as the flag) next to the blue field and six full-width stripes below, so that the stripe under the blue union field is white.

Where is the fuel pump relay in a 91 Dodge Caravan?

It is under the hood on the driver side fender wall, near or directly behind the battery. You should notice three relays (wire sockets and plugins), look for the one with the dark green with black stripe wire. mine is the middle one.

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You would aim directly at the fish because the laser light travels in a straight line and would hit the fish if aimed accurately, regardless of the color of the fish or the laser.

Can you drive farm equipment on the road if you are under 16?

ONLY from barn to field, or field-to-field.