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President Woodrow Wilson was forced to compromise nearly all of his Fourteen Points mainly because British Prime Minister, Lloyd George and French Premier, Georges Clemenceau wanted blood rather than peace. His proposal to share waters was flat-out refused by George, who would not give up Britain's naval advantage. although the Wilson plan called for shared responsibility, the Treaty of Versailles placed the blame squarely on Germany's shoulders, and demanded it pay the cost of the entire war. The one point that remained unchallenged was the creation of a body of nations for security purposes.

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Q: What compromise did Wilson make on his Fourteen Point at Versailles?
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Why did Wilson believe the fourteen points should be the basis for peace talks?

He believed secret agreements and violations of right had occurred which touched us to the quick and made the life of our own people impossible unless they were corrected and the world secure once for all against their recurrence. He believed the 14 points would fix that.

Why did the US negotiate separate treaties after World War 1?

The United States did not ratify the Treaty of Versailles, therefore, a separate treaty between Germany and the United States was needed. The treaty brought the United States in a closer agreement, to the point where the United States actually assisted the Weimar Republic in meeting some of its obligations.

Were was the imaginary line of The Missouri Compromise?

It was the parallel that marked the Southern border of Missouri. All the way to the Pacific, anywhere North of that line was free soil. This was meant to settle the slavery argument in respect of new states. Both sides were equally dissatisfied with this solution - but 'equally' was the point. It kept the balance, and it kept the peace for thirty years.

Who was the first president to say God bless America at the end of a speech?

wild guess Ronald Wilson Reagan thou he started a war of hyohcrites sayin no to drugs against as all need drugs at one point as at one point they turn on you because of your bias way of thinking is so contradictive as i put a stop to there marching the dare program where they give there children to saton as full flege soldiars for Satan .the begotten is out

Is Duluth a French name?

Technically it is not French. It is a phonetic representation of a French surname. Duluth is named for Daniel Greysolon Sieur Du Lhut, French nobleman and explorer. In 1679 he landed on Park Point, where the Aerial Lift Bridge Canal is now. In 1855 almost 200 of the few settlers on the Point were trying to select a name for the town site. They asked a visiting Presbyterian minister, Joseph Wilson to name the village and he chose " Duluth".

Related questions

Which part of Wilson's fourteen points was included in the treaty of Versailles?

The 14th point in Wilson's 14 Point speech was used in the Treaty of Versailles. It was put into effect with the formation of the League of Nations.

How was Wilson's fourteen point incorporate into the treaty?

because their goal was to make peace among nations as in wilson's fourteen points.

Who wrote the document known as the fourteen point?

Woodrow Wilson

What was the goal of Wilson's fourteen point?

To prevent Future wars -

Why did Wilson's fourteen point upset the British?

They resented the references to blockades.

Why was Wilson's fourteen point peace plan rejected?

Because it just was

What was the name of Woodrow Wilson war goals?

the 14 point

What was part of president Wilson fourteen point?

all of the above (apex)

What did Wilson have to concede to in order to get the 14th Point passed?

Wilson conceded on most of his Fourteen Points in return for the establishment of the League of Nations.

How was Wilson forced to compromise during peace negotiations?

President Wilson was forced to compromise on his '14 Points' as he fell ill just after the Paris Peace Conference and could not air them. French Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau stood in his stead and aired significantly different demands.

What the goals of president Wilson's fourteen point were?

an international body to decide desputes between nations

What is fourteen points in ww1?

Wilson's grand plan I believe and the final point was the league of nations.