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square pyramid

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Q: What consists of a square a point not in the same plane as the square and all points between them?
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A is a solid consisting of a square a point not in the same plane as the square and all points between them.?

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It is the square root of (-4-11)2+(17-17)2 which works out as 15.

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points of co-ordinates plane are represent by cartesian

Can four points contain exactly one plane?

yes if it is a square of recatgle

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right pyramid oblique cone right cone oblique pyramid

What is the difference between the cartesian and coordinate plane?

points of co-ordinates plane are represent by cartesian

What is quadrant 4?

In 2-dimensional coordianate geometry, quadrant for consists of all points in the plane in for which x > 0 and y < 0. It is the lower right hand quarter of the plane.

A straight line is the shortest distance between?

Two points in a plane.

What is the meaning of circle in math?

It is a round plane figure whose boundary (the circumference) consists of points equidistant from a fixed point (the center).

Which of the following is soild consisting of a disc a point not in the same plane as the disc and all the points between them?

A right cone is a solid consisting of a disc a point not in the same plane as the disc and all the points between them.

Shortest distance between two points on the earth?

The two points and the centre of the earth define a plane, and the intersection of this plane with the surface of the earth is a circle - the "Great Circle". The shortest distance between the two points is the smaller of the two arcs on this circle.