the central powers were taking a lot of countries over and when the us joined it was in 1917 because they were tired of being an isolationist.
they wanted to help Britain and France as they were all allies and powerful countries, the us had the best weapons around and after the war France and Britain would have to pay the us a great deal of money for fighting in the war
UK, USSR, and France
The allies
united kingdom
The US/Allies never wanted to rule any countries; we wanted them to be free independent nations.
All countries that were part of the Allies were an all of the U.S.
philippines China
Doesn't everybody like to have friends?
united states of america
Allies: Britain, Russia, and the US Axis: Italy, Germany, and Japan.
During WW II the Allies were Britain, France, Russia, the US, Canada, and Australia.
Iran and North and South Korea are officially not allies but other countries like Venzulea may turn against the U.S if a war starts.
Vachina and austria-Fungi
us, england, russia
* France * British * Russia