The greenback dollar is the American dollar. It comes from the civil war term for the Union soldiers. When the legal tender act was passed the Union soldiers gave it one of their nicknames
I believe 'greenback ' is common.
In your wallet. It's a dollar bill.
I believe it is a 10 dollar bill. I am pretty sure.
its greenback party btw fûckk history
The U.S. did not print any bills of any denomination dated 1943. Please check again and post a new question with the bill's date and whether there is a small letter next to the date.
The US dollar
The name of the greenback is greenback
The U.S. dollar is historically called the greenback.
buck greenback
I believe 'greenback ' is common.
The famous US Greenback dollar.
In your wallet. It's a dollar bill.
I believe it is a 10 dollar bill. I am pretty sure.
The address of the Greenback Public Library is: 6889 Morganton Road, Greenback, 37742 4143
Greenback is a native term in the United States. It refers to the U.S. dollar.