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what was the first us country to receive foregin aid

In response to the Venezuela earthquake of 26 March 1812, the Congress of the USA decreed unanimously, in what was its first foreign aid bill, the sending of five ships loaded with flour to the coasts of Venezuela to be distributed among the most indigent of its inhabitants. According to Alexander von Humboldt, they were received with the warmest gratitude. However the royalists got hold of the vessels, seized over 3,000 barrels of the flour Congress had sent, and when the vessels were returned the US authorities found that they had been so looted and damaged as to be of little value anymore. The relief mission was undertaken for more than purely humanitarian motives: the USA, aware of the ongoing struggles against the Spanish colonial regime, wished to foster ties with the revolutionary Bolivarian regime in Venezuela. The House did not support a simultaneous proposal to send relief to the Canary Islands where a locust plague had caused famine, as there national interest was not involved.

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Q: What country was the first to receive US foreign aid?
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Does Australia receive foreign aid?

no it doesnt bc YOUR JIM DOOLAN

What is the key term aid mean?

Foreign Aid is when, after a disaster etc.., a foreign country gets involved in humanitarian issues to help the foreign country (ex. The United States helping Haiti after the earthquake.)