The main crop in Jamestown in 1607 was tobacco. It was grown by English settlers and sold to the Native Americans and to people back in England. It was easy to grow and brought in a lot of money.
Rice was the most profitable cash crop.
Jamestown was best known for cash crop farming.
The cash crop of Jamestown was tobacco ( I am not sure ) I don't know the 2nd part.
actually john rolfe introduced the American crop tobacco to the colony. This crop did save Jamestown. Also, they offered 50 acres of land to any man, woman, or child who could pay their way to Jamestown, which lead to a higher population. that is true but they where the first colony were everyone didnt die.
John Rolfe brought some tobacco seeds from the west Indies to Jamestown that's right i' a social studies teacher
Jamestown, Virginia was one of the most important colonial cities. The crop that made it most profitable was tobacco.
Because A Disatrous Start, Starvation and Recovery, and A Profitable Crop.
The cash crop that the colony Jamestown had was tobacco.
Tobacco was the most profitable cash crop in the Virginia colony sold to England
Tobacco farming made the English colony of Virginia profitable
Jamestown had the perfect climate and soil to grow tobacco, a extremely profitable crop.
Tobacco was the "cash crop" of the Virginia Colony during the 17th century.
The main crop of Virginia was tobacco. This was mainly grown in Jamestown and served as the main cash crop in the colony.