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july 4,1776

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Q: What date did United States get there freedom?
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When Was freedom of speech?

Freedom of speech became part of the United States Constitution on December 15, 1791. That was the date the entire Bill of Rights was ratified.

Which is not a freedom that was associated with the united state constitution?

Freedom of housing is not a part of the United States Constitution.

When did US got freedom?

The united states got freedom in 1776.

When was freedom of speech passed?

Freedom of speech is a constitutional right that varies by country. In the United States, the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights, which guarantees freedom of speech, was ratified in 1791. Other countries have similar laws protecting freedom of speech, but the specific dates vary.

What is the Presidential Medal of Freedom a freedom from?

It refers to the Freedom that got the American people when they independized from the United Kingdom. The Freedom that allowed the formation of the United States of America.

What does Afghanistan want?

For the United States to help them get freedom

In the polis are citizens rights the same as in the united states?

The citizens of Polish does not have the same rights as the United States. The United States is the country with the most freedom.

In the polis are citizens' rights the same as in the United states?

The citizens of Polish does not have the same rights as the United States. The United States is the country with the most freedom.

What In how many states are you guaranteed freedom from slavery?

The Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees freedom from slavery in all 50 states.

Is the United States the only country that guarantees freedom of speech?

No, the United States is not the only country that guarantees freedom of speech. Many countries around the world have laws or provisions in their constitutions that protect freedom of speech.

What were the four freedoms for which both the United states and Britain stood?

Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of fear, and freedom of want.

What are two rights only for United States citizens?

right to silence and right of freedom