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Q: What did Alexis de Tocqueville believe would provide limitation on any excess of democracy?
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Did most progressives believe democracy would never provide the social justice people deserved?


What is the closest approximation to a direct democracy in the US?

Local governments are ran as close to a direct democracy as the terms provide for.

What is a limitation of the Beaufort wind scale?

One limitation of the Beaufort wind scale is that it is subjective and can vary depending on the observer's experience and judgment. Another limitation is that it does not provide precise measurements of wind speed in terms of specific velocities.

Citizens in a social democracy expect their government to?

Provide them with certain benefits

What is one limitation of universal indicator paper?

One limitation of universal indicator paper is that it may not provide a precise numerical pH value but rather a color change indicating a range of pH levels.

What is limitation of electrification leakage?

Your question doesn't make sense. You need to check your terminology or provide more information.

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What is the goal of the European social democracy?

To protect the middle class

Most progressives believed democracy would never provide the social justice people deserved?


Why democracy is not helping your cause?

This depends on who you are. Otherwise this is an opinionated question. Please provide more information for a precise answer

What does the guarantee clause of the constitutioin provide?

It provides a government that is represented by a democracy, instead of one that is run by a monarchy.

What is a goal of social democracy?

To protect the middle class, to provide social services, and to address the injustices of the capitalist system.