Establishing trade with American Indians.
they trade things in need like fur andland
Rivalry between the French and the Dutch in North America lead to increased Indian warfare. The rivalry pushed the Indians to secure more furs and items for trade and more warfare broke out over competition.
solution to trade, boundry, and religious disputes defense attacks by the french, dutch, or the indians. M.B.C , plymouth, connecticut, new heaven alliance. it was a federation.
They did this to trade furs with Native Americans.
Native Americans traded furs with the French and Dutch for a number of things, including axes, kettles, knives, and needles.
The French,Indians,(hurons, Iroquois),Europeans,and Dutch
The dutch wanted to form a alliance with the Indians so it can compete against the French in trade.
the America Indians
Because both groups benefited from their cooperation in the fur trade: the Indians did the trapping and then traded the furs to the French and Dutch for numerous desired goods.
Because both groups benefited from their cooperation in the fir trade: the Indians did the trapping and then traded the furs to the French and Dutch for numerous desired goods.
the Iroquois
it was Jacques cartier who opened the trade between the french and the Indians
Establishing trade with American Indians.
The Dutch
beaver furs