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beads guns and metal items

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Aniyah Blanda

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3y ago
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16y ago

Native Americans (or First Nations as they are called in Canada) traded furs for iron pots and tools (knives, hatchets chisels), clothing, blankets, guns, black powder, tobacco

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Q: What did American Indians trade furs with the French and the Dutch for?
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What did the American Indians trade with the French and Dutch?


Why did some American Indians trade furs with the French and Dutch?

Native Americans traded furs with the French and Dutch for a number of things, including axes, kettles, knives, and needles.

What groups took part in the fur trade?

The French,Indians,(hurons, Iroquois),Europeans,and Dutch

How did the dutch treat the neighboring Native Americans?

The dutch wanted to form a alliance with the Indians so it can compete against the French in trade.

What native American group was one of the first to trade furs with the french?

the America Indians

Why were the dutch and french able to coexist in relative peace with the native americans?

Because both groups benefited from their cooperation in the fur trade: the Indians did the trapping and then traded the furs to the French and Dutch for numerous desired goods.

Why were the Dutch and the french able to coexist in relitive peace with the native Americans?

Because both groups benefited from their cooperation in the fir trade: the Indians did the trapping and then traded the furs to the French and Dutch for numerous desired goods.

With which Indians did the Dutch in New Netherland trade?

the Iroquois

Who was a french explorerwho opened the way for trade between the french and the Indians?

it was Jacques cartier who opened the trade between the french and the Indians

What was the french activity in the Americas directeds towards during 1492 and 1700?

Establishing trade with American Indians.

Who were the first Europeans to challenge the Portuguese control of Asian trade the French the Spanish or the Dutch?

The Dutch

What did the french Dutch colonies trade?

beaver furs