Hamilton and Jefferson had different ideologies. Commonalities include both being writers, both served their state legislatures, and both held national offices prior to Presidency. they both had faith in the republican society
The very first federally-issued $2 bills were printed in 1862 and had a picture of Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton's picture was replaced by Thomas Jefferson's in 1869.
The very first US $2 bill was issued in 1862 with a portrait of Alexander Hamilton. The bill was redesigned in 1869 and Hamilton was replaced with Thomas Jefferson.
Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Ben Franklin and others contributed to the format and consideration of articles to be included. Additionally there was James Madison and Alexander Hamilton among many others.
Either Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, or Alexander Hamilton.
Thomas Jefferson.
i hate history who cares how Jefferson and hamilton were different...
Hamilton believed that the common man was not capable of making informed decisions and thus advocated for a strong, centralized government led by elites. Jefferson, on the other hand, believed in the inherent capability of the common man and valued participatory democracy. He believed that the common man should have an active role in government and that their voices should be heard and represented.
Jefferson felt confident in the common people, felt that they had much power and could do alot with their minds. However, was that Jefferson or Hamilton? This is right about the way Jefferson felt. He believed the power should rest in the people through popular rule. However, Hamilton had opposite beliefs. He believed in a more monarchial government because he distrusted in the common people to make good decisions. Hamilton wanted a government that resembled Britain.
Jefferson thought it could work. In other words, Jefferson sided with Hamilton.
Although Hamilton disliked Jefferson he thought Jeffersons veiws, were better for the country
Jefferson disliked Hamilton because they were political rivals and had opposing views
because he was black I think it's fair to ignore the first answerer. There's no real reason that I'm aware of except that they simply disagreed about nearly everything. Jefferson wanted to spread the power, but Hamilton wanted to keep amongst a few elites. Jefferson feared tyranny, but Hamilton feared anarchy. Jefferson was free and creative, but Hamilton was neat and organized. Jefferson wore plainer clothes; Hamilton dressed more formally. Jefferson supported farming; Hamilton, manufacturing. Jefferson = strict construction; Hamilton = loose construction. The list goes on.
Hamilton was loose while Jefferson was very strict in the interpretation of the constitution.
Jefferson wanted to pay off the debt; Hamilton did not.