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John Fitch invented the first stemboat in 1787.

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He built the first functional steam boat.

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Q: What did John Fitch invent?
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What year did John Fitch invent the steamboat?


When did john Fitch invent the steamboat?


What inspired John Fitch to invent the steamboat?


In what country did john fitch invent the steam boat?

in the united states

Was Robert Fulton or John Fitch the first to invent the steamboat?

John Fitch is said to have invented the Steamboat but to my knowledge Robert Fulton is most known for inventing it.

What year did Josh Fitch invent the steam boat?

I think you're referring to "John Fitch" who allegedly invented the steam boat. In actuality, Robert Fulton invented the steam boat in 1807.

When was John A. Fitch born?

John A. Fitch was born in 1881.

When did John A. Fitch die?

John A. Fitch died in 1959.

When did John Knowles Fitch die?

John Knowles Fitch died in 1943.

When was John Nugent Fitch born?

John Nugent Fitch was born in 1840.

When did John Nugent Fitch die?

John Nugent Fitch died in 1927.

When was John Knowles Fitch born?

John Knowles Fitch was born in 1880.