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yes it was used for food

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Q: What did Native Americans use pumpkin seeds for?
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How did native Americans use pumpkin?

The Native Americans used pumpkins in a variety of ways. They ate them, including the seeds. They would dry the pumpkin and ground it up to make flour. They also used the shell to make bowls for eating out of and for storage.

How did Indians use pumpkin seeds?

for food

What is in a pumpkin beisdes pumpkin seeds?

Pulp or 'meat' that is what you use to actually make pumpkin pies, etc.

What is the importance of pumpkin parts?

it really depends on what you need it for. For pumpkin pie you want to use the inside 'meat' part of it, but if you want to make roasted pumpkin seeds then use the seeds. Look up the recipe for what you want and it should say what part of the pumpkin you should use!

Did native Americans use fences?

No the native americans did not use fences.

What can I use for decorating pumpkins?

You can do a lot of things to decorate a pumpkin. You can carve a face in a pumpkin by cutting off the top, emptying the seeds, then carving on the pumpkin. You can also use markers or paints to draw on a pumpkin.

Did the native Americans use cotton or wool?

the native Americans did not have sheep

What are the best pumpkin seeds to use for roasting and snacking?

The best pumpkin seeds for roasting and snacking are typically the larger, plumper seeds from sugar pumpkins or other varieties specifically grown for eating. These seeds tend to have a better flavor and texture compared to seeds from carving pumpkins.

Who carried out the use of native Americans as slaves the most?

Europeans carried out the use of native Americans as slaves the most

How did the native Americans of the great plains survive other than the use of the buffalo?

Nuts, berries, seeds, small game, deer, antelope, bear, elk.

How do I clean and carve a pumpkin?

To clean a pumpkin you can wash it with a damp towel. Then you can take a carving knife. Carve out the pumpkin with a design of your liking. Make sure to take out the seeds. You can draw a design on the pumpkin first and use that as an outline when you carve the pumpkin.

What were the effects of the european immigration on the native americans?

The Europeans started to use the Native Americans as slaves.