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it establish the right of employers to use the ferdel government to break unions

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Q: What did The Pullman strike hurt the labor movement primarily because of?
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The Pullman strike hurt the labor movement primarily because?

it established the right of employers to use the federal government to break unions.

As a result of the Pullman Strike for the next 30 years the government?

it is because pullman strike was bad conditions

On what grounds did the Justice Department stop the Pullman strike?

To ensure the movement of interstate commerce.

What event led to the first worker safety law?

The Pullman Strike

What was the result of the Pullman strike?

the result of the pullman strike was when debs went to jail lmaooo

Describe the 1894 Pullman strike as an example of industrial unrest?

An industrial unrest is a strike or boycott. So the Pullman Strike 0f 1894 is an example of a industrial unrest because it was also a strike that happened in the West side of Chicago.

Who was the individual who rocketed to national attention because of the Pullman strike?


The government responded to the Pullman Strike by?

The federal government responded to the Pullman Strike by using federal troops to control the striking workers. Later, Labor Day was designated as an official holiday in an effort to conciliate the organized labor movement.

How did the public react to George Pullman's response to the Pullman strike?

pullman was hated

What did President Grover Cleveland do about the Pullman Strike?

Pullman was hated.

What individual rocketed to national attention because of Pullman strike?

Eugene Debs

What major laBor strikes took place in the late 1800?

the Haymarket Strike of 1886, Homestead Strike of 1892, and the Pullman Strike of 1893