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Railroads helped promote the factory system and urbanization.

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Q: What did railroad systems in the 19th and early 20th centuries help to promote in the United States?
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Which systems were used before the Civil War to transport escaped slaves into the free states of the North?

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When was Eastern States Railroad created?

Eastern States Railroad was created in 2006.

When did United States Senate Committee on the Pacific Railroad end?

United States Senate Committee on the Pacific Railroad ended in 1873.

When was United States Senate Committee on the Pacific Railroad created?

United States Senate Committee on the Pacific Railroad was created in 1861.

Which railroad lines were mainly north-south connections?

Some of the main north-south railroad lines in the United States include the Illinois Central Railroad, the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, and the Seaboard Air Line Railroad. These railroads primarily ran vertically, connecting northern states to southern states.

What drove the pace of railroad construction to the US?

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What states did the trans continental railroad go through?

the trans- continental railroad started in Pennsylvania

Why did they make the transconental railroad?

The TRANSCONTINENTAL railroad was created to unite the East and West coasts of the United States.

How old is the LAND CALLED united states IN YEARS DECADES CENTURIES?

50 centuries

What did the transcontinental railroad do for theunited states?

The transcontinental railroad opened the United States for travel and settlement in a way that no other transportation system was able to accomplish. This railroad allowed people and products to be moved from one end of the country to the other.

What states did the underground railroad occurr in?

every one

Where wasn't the underground railroad route to?

The South States