Samuel Slator invented the Textile mill,and Henry Miller Shreve invented it too.
then we can use cotton without a whole bunch of work
Samuel Slater, known as the "Father of the American Industrial Revolution" , was born 9 June 1768 and died 21 April 1835
He dont hve one
Samuel Slater
Samuel Slater said, "§ⁿÖ}─•ôOé=≤┼v+9≤DA"n+○╝♦,╝£∟∟∟*ππÄ,XM7,WÖÜτX+,╖5¼╧Æ╨«ôôÆ@Φ."
Samuel Slater
samuel slater
Samuel Slater
Samuel Slater was not the one to invent the Slater house
no he invented the cotton mill not the power and spinning frame
Samuel Slater did have a wife. Her name was Hannah.
Samuel Slater's father was William Slater and his mother's name was Elizabeth. Samuel was married twice. His first wife was Hannah Wilkinson Slater and his second wife was Esther Slater.
Samuel Slater was born on June 9, 1768.
The Spinning Jenny was invented in 1764 by James Hargreaves.
Samuel Slater invented the water powered mill in 1790,
then we can use cotton without a whole bunch of work
Samuel Slater was born on June 9, 1768.