Major foods of our people were foods from the ocean, acorns, animal meat such as deer, numerous local plants and berries.
the karuk tribe ate salmon,deer,and acorns. -Thank you love skylar
tule elk
they it pig dog
Major foods of our people were foods from the ocean, acorns, animal meat such as deer, numerous local plants and berries.
what did the nakota tribe eat
what did the blood tribe eat
what did the algonquian tribe eat
A delicacy in the rainforest, especially with the Kayapo tribe, is Monkeys, birds and insects.
they eat da46g
what did the mogoloon eat
what does Ottawa tribe eat
What do the darhad tribe eat?The darhad tribe of northern Mongolia eat hardened cheese from their goat's milk and they eat curds and drink milk from their animals. Also they eat animals such as goat and occasionally old yaks.
food habit mursi tribe
yes they do eat meat.
they eat chocolates and lollipops.